Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Here at Resurrection Church, we say "sending" for much of our Great Commission work because we believe every disciple of Jesus is sent—into Carroll County, into the nation, and around the world.
We believe that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) is not the “Great Option,” but a command to all of his people to be engaged in the beautiful mission of our Lord Jesus: to make disciples of all nations. This drives our vision of planting churches in this generation. We want to catalyze disciple-making disciples here in our County and around the world—and we have only just begun. Won't you join us?
We believe that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) is not the “Great Option,” but a command to all of his people to be engaged in the beautiful mission of our Lord Jesus: to make disciples of all nations. This drives our vision of planting churches in this generation. We want to catalyze disciple-making disciples here in our County and around the world—and we have only just begun. Won't you join us?

Ben Wunderink

Zack and Kate Vaughan

Bevin and Judy Ginder
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to [LOCATION]
Thank you for considering a short-term mission trip with Resurrection Church. This is more than an overseas trip. We are boldly asking God to give us the promise he made to Jesus in Psalm 2:8: “Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance” (NIV). You are part of the answer to that prayer.